Categoria: Bastidores BRASAS

Perfil | Davizinho Radical

Você já conhece a história do Davizinho, campeão mundial de surf na categoria AS5 (surf assistido) em 2016 e aluno do BRASAS? Aos 12 anos, ele protagoniza uma carreira cheia de conquistas e dá um banho de simpatia, mostrando que o otimismo é essenc…


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This week, we celebrate Easter in most countries in the world. Each country has its own traditions. In Brazil, for example, we like to hang dolls on the streets and beat them up. It is the “Judas”, the iconic biblical character that, according to the stor…


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Categoria: Dicas de Inglês


“See”, “look” and “watch”: what’s the difference?   Do you know how to use the verbs “see”, “look” and “watch”? In this video, you will learn the basic differences and put an end to your questions about it. You will never make a mistake again!


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Rapture – the Documentary

A new series is to premiere on Netflix on March 30th: It is called “Rapture”, featuring some of the relevant artists in hip hop in the United States.


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It’s Saint Patrick’s Day! Let’s celebrate it! On March 17th, a lot of countries celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. What do you know about him? Did you know that he is the patron saint of Ireland? Well, now you do!


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