In our classrooms, our Jedi teachers are superstars. Some of them are multitalented. That is, not only are they excellent teachers, but some of them also have artistic skills. Like these super heroes we present to you now. Meet Daniel, Leonard, Ana Carolina and Lilly!
Meet Daniel Monteiro, teacher at BRASAS Tijuca
I’ve been teaching at BRASAS for 5 years. What I like most about teaching can be summed up in the famous quote of the Dalai Lama: “Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.”.
Well, besides being a teacher, I’m a composer, singer and musician. I started it when I was a kid and my dad gave me my first guitar.
I have just signed a contract with Sony Music and my new album will come out this month.
I have already performed at Circo Voador, Teatro Odisséia, Lonas Culturais, Curitiba Master Hall and many other places. We are working on our next concert which will be in May after the songs are uploaded to Spotify, Deezer and iTunes.
Meet Leonard, teacher at BRASAS Novo Leblon
Hi, I’m Lenny Prado! I got here in 2014, so I’ve been teaching at BRASAS about 4 years now. What I enjoy the most about teaching is that famous give and take. I get to meet new people all the time and learn from them as well.
My other activity is music, but you could say I’m rather fond of photography as well. I guess it all started at home.
My dad loved to sing and play the guitar, so it was only natural that I would too. I started messing around with music around the age of 15.
I sing in a Pearl Jam tribute band called Black Circle and since Pearl Jam is a very successful band worldwide, we get to play concerts at many venues around the city, specially pubs and small clubs.
Meet Ana Carolina, teacher at BRASAS Tijuca
I’ve been teaching at BRASAS for almost 3 years now. Personally, I think that the most fascinating thing about teaching is that we get to share knowledge, experiences, laughs and unique moments in the classroom. Establishing communication is our goal, and seeing it happen in and outside the classroom is gratifying. Putting together different people that are in different moments of their lives, in the same room, with the same goal, is very powerful, and it’s where the magic happens.
Besides being a teacher, I’m a singer and a musical theatre actress and I also can play the guitar. I began singing when I was very little, at the age of 8 in church, and got involved with lots of different artistic activities other than singing there (dancing, playing instruments, acting…). At the age of 18 I decided to take it seriously and joined a theatre company, where I got my first part and also the lead in a professional play. After that, I took many courses, started technical singing lessons and continued to improve and work with my talent!
I’m currently rehearsing my next play, “The Anti-Musical”, which is gonna premier in June at Teatro Cesgranrio. I’ve just released a Gospel album with the band I work in and you can also find a few covers and scenes of plays I’ve been in on YouTube!
Meet Lilly, teacher at BRASAS Ilha do Governador
Hi, everyone! I’ve been teaching for 4 years and what I like most about it is noticing my students’ improvement throughout the time.
I also like drawing, painting… handcrafts in general. I’ve always done it! I really cannot remember not doing it. Come see me perform at BRASAS Ilha!