Do you know what a phrasal verb is? It’s a phrase that combines a verb with a preposition and/or an adverb. It functions as a verb whose meaning is different from the combined meaning of the individual words. Since phrasal verbs are very common in the English language, being well familiar with them is really important.
We’ve picked 15 must-know phrasal verbs in the English language to help you speak like a native. Check them out!
Definition: to cancel.
Example: We will have to call off the meeting.
Definition: to visit a person.
Example: You can drop in on Mary now because she is already at home.
Definition: to discover a fact or piece of information.
Example: When did you find out the truth?
Definition: to desist/to stop doing something.
Example: Why don’t you give up smoking?
Definition: to stop functioning.
Example: My car broke down in the garage last night.
Definition: to begin a hobby, job or activity.
Example: My sister took up piano lessons the day before yesterday.
Definition: to reduce.
Example: We must cut down on our expenses.
Definition: to finish the supply of.
Example: My best friend ran out of money last weekend.
Definition: to have a good relationship with.
Example: I finally started to get along with my neighbors.
Definition: to tolerate.
Example: My father can’t put up with snobbish people.
Definition: to admire.
Example: My brother and I look up to our grandfather as he has always been honest.
Definition: to consider inferior.
Example: Nobody likes my boss because he looks down on everybody in the workplace.
Definition: to become an adult.
Example: Bruce grew up in London with five siblings.
Definition: to exercise.
Example: I work out at a gym near my place every other day.
Definition: to compensate.
Example: Our teacher will have to make up for the classes we didn’t attend while he was sick.
Você sabe o que são os phrasal verbs? Formados por um verbo junto com uma preposição, um advérbio ou palavras de uma outra classe gramatical, os phrasal verbs são verbos especiais muito usados na língua inglesa. Na maioria das vezes, eles não podem ser traduzidos literalmente e, por isso, é muito importante entender e conhecer bem esse recurso.
Para te ajudar a falar como um nativo, selecionamos os 15 phrasal verbs mais usados no dia a dia da língua inglesa. Confira!
Significado: to cancel.
Exemplo: We will have to call off the meeting.
Significado: to visit a person.
Exemplo: You can drop in on Mary now because she is already at home.
Significado: to discover a fact or piece of information.
Exemplo: When did you find out the truth?
Significado: to desist/to stop doing something.
Exemplo: Why don’t you give up smoking?
Significado: to stop functioning.
Exemplo: My car broke down in the garage last night.
Significado: to begin a hobby, job or activity.
Exemplo: My sister took up piano lessons the day before yesterday.
Significado: to reduce.
Exemplo: We must cut down on our expenses.
Significado: to finish the supply of.
Exemplo: My best friend ran out of money last weekend.
Significado: to have a good relationship with.
Exemplo: I finally started to get along with my neighbors.
Significado: to tolerate.
Exemplo: My father can’t put up with snobbish people.
Significado: to admire.
Exemplo: My brother and I look up to our grandfather as he has always been honest.
Significado: to consider inferior.
Exemplo: Nobody likes my boss because he looks down on everybody in the workplace.
Significado: to become an adult.
Exemplo: Bruce grew up in London with five siblings.
Significado: to exercise.
Exemplo: I work out at a gym near my place every other day.
Significado: to compensate.
Exemplo: Our teacher will have to make up for the classes we didn’t attend while he was sick.
It´s very important for a English Tests. Thanks.